The Innovation Gap in Healthcare Staffing Tools

young female nurse using computer

In the current staffing technology landscape, many hospitals and MSPs are frustrated, as the healthcare-specific technologies have fallen behind. Why is this? Most of these tools are owned by staffing agencies whose primary focus is filling nursing jobs, not improving the user experience and functionality in their technology. As a result, this ownership structure can result in a loss of incentive to innovate for the customer. When agencies own ATS and VMS tools, the focus tends to be more on maintaining the status quo rather than pushing the boundaries and introducing new, innovative features. This lack of investment can lead to stagnation, poor UX, and ultimately, a platform that fails to meet the evolving needs of its users.
Recognizing this gap in the market, Simpliant decided to take a different approach. We chose a best in class non-clinical technology and added vital healthcare functionality such as compliance, shift scheduling and automated invoicing. Instead of limiting ourselves to the healthcare sector, we learned from an expanded customer base that included non-healthcare customers in the grocery, casino, and banking industries. This diversification allowed us to learn from a variety of sectors and industries, ultimately leading us to incorporate features that you won’t find in any other healthcare-specific tool, including but not limited to onboarding, offboarding, project management, and SOW. By looking beyond the confines of the healthcare sector, we’ve been able to bring new perspectives and ideas to our technology. This innovative approach ensures that our MSP and Hospital customers always have access to the best tools for their staffing needs.

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